Running Streak Challenge

It’s been an off winter season.  Our “home” mountain didn’t open until January.  It was long after holiday break, long after the anticipation of getting up there, laying out gloves, finding pairs of socks, waxing boards, tweaking the bindings.  That should be me in the picture, taking some runs.  But it isn’t. Truth, I didn’t get out much.  My husband tried to make me feel better by saying recently, “think of the wear and tear you spared your body!”  It’s a good point, sort of, but I know I gotta stay on it, get out there, be ready. Especially as I age, I’ve found that it’s important to stay on top of my fitness game.  I can’t rest on my laurels because my laurels have a tendency to watch a lot of sports, drink beer and eat burgers.   My laurels have a theme song, “Cheeseburger in Paradise”.  They are fond of cheese and chocolate in all their forms.  I know if I want to snowboard, surf, run, hike and be out there, those lazy laurels might hold me back.

A few years ago Runner’s World presented a challenge: Run at least a mile everyday between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  I managed 21 days in a row, which was fairly awesome for me.  Now that it’s spring and the mountain roads are clear and dry, I feel the need to refresh my commitment to fitness. So I can be ready.  I can stay on it.  I can get out there.  The challenge of a streak seems to be just the nudge I need to get me going. Will you join me?  Do you already run every day?   Put your shoes on and get out there.  “Ran when parked” doesn’t work for us humans!  Get going. Be ready!